
Oportunităţi de carieră

Finding that perfect fit could not be easier!

Make ISACA’s online Career Centre your primarytool for finding the best IT audit, control,assurance and security jobs.
To explore the Career Centre, please

Discover a New Career With ISACA’s Career Centre

  • Are you looking for a new job in information systemsaudit, control, assurance or security? ISACA’s CareerCentre is dedicated exclusively to these areas ofinterest to the IT professional. Free for all job seekers,the Career Centre offers a unique opportunity to quicklyfind jobs targeted to your specific interest and skills.Job seekers can look for jobs online and specify thecriteria to narrow each search.
  • ISACA members can post their CVs/résumés in themember-only résumé database, which is activelyviewed by employers every day. Additionally, memberscan receive e-mail notification when positions areposted. These two benefits are available exclusively forISACA members.
  • For those seeking to hire an information systemsaudit, control assurance or security professional,ISACA’s Career Centre is the source for CertifiedInformation Systems Auditor™ (CISA®), CertifiedInformation Security Manager™ (CISM®) certifiedprofessionals and Certified in the Governance ofEnterprise IT (CGEIT™). For those looking to hirepersonnel with these highly-regarded credentials, theCareer Centre provides a convenient, one-stop locationto find CISA, CISM and CGEIT job seekers as well asthose with COBIT experience.
  • Not yet a member? Join now and take advantage ofvaluable member benefits. For details, please visit theISACA web site at contact the membership department

Why Visit ISACA’s Online Career Centre?

  • The Career Centre contains targeted job openings for IS audit, control, assurance andsecurity professionals.
  • It is free for job seekers!
  • Confidentially apply for jobs online.
  • An online account stores your documents to simplify the job application process.
  • Your information stays private.
  • ISACA members can include their CVs/résumés in a searchable database.


“My experience with the ISACACareer Centre has proven to beone of the most successfulemployment moves I havemade. I spent the past severalmonths searching other careeremployment sites with limitedresults. The ISACA Career Centreallowed me to filter potentialemployers and apply online forwhat turned out to be a greatprofessional opportunity.”

– Rick MartinVice President in IT Security Bear Stearns


Make the most of this uniqueopportunity to connect with jobstargeted to your interests and skills.
Visit today.